For those that are fans of football around the world, you may have read about certain plans in which the English premier league would be extended and games played overseas. In the past handful of days various positions of support and disagreement have been presented by FA members, FIFA chiefs and club bosses alike. Under the new league the regular season would be extended by a 39
th game, which would be played over seas. It would also be stipulated that top-level clubs would not play each other in these games. The result would be increases awareness of football and increased revenue. Today the president of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, has poo-pooed the idea, and the FA has come out with disagreement saying it could hurt
England’s chances of hosting the 2018 world cup. I have to say I agree with those in disagreement, it would seriously distort the premier league we understand, that makes sense. I’m not against teams playing more overseas, I’ve seen my team, Manchester United, twice when they came to the
USA, but doing so in a regular season would place an undetermined strain on the players. Consider international games presently, the week around them there is no regular season games, this, partially to the strain of travelling. One can also consider how the teams would play abroad; such matches would undoubtedly take on a friendly-like status, with teams playing for their fans rather than the league. Don’t misunderstand me I’m for promoting awareness of a great game and great league (more friendly’s), but not at the cost of harming and skewing what is already established.
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