A quick Flash bloHG now, regarding a small revelation I made just the other day. If you’re a flash developer or have used flash in passing you might have noticed that in the Button-Symbol editing mode there are 4 special key-frames: Up, Over, Down, Hit. Now I got Up, Over and Down when I first came round to flash, easy right? But I had always assumed that Hit, was just the frame shown when the button is Hit. Of course I had doubts about my theory as I never actually saw the Hit frame shown. My error wasn’t helped by the fact that I never bothered to look up exactly what hit did, in fact a simple Google search would have suffice. My revelation was that Hit has nothing to do with what’s being shown; it’s the area that’s clickable (that makes the button click). Take a look at this quickie, the button is the rectangle with text on it, but the clickable area is actually hidden where the light purple is.
So there you go, as someone said “you learn something new everyday”, and as the Chuckle Brothers would say, “silly me!”
bloHGis mercury studios' version of the everyday blog. Its a blog about everything and nothing at the same time. Its my thoughts and musings, reviews and critiques of life and my favorite and worst things in it.
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